Downloaded last hadoop development source (hadoop-3.0.0-alpha2) switched to HDFS-7240 branch where ozone development is taking place. Build it – success.
[ozone@bigdata24 hadoop-3.0.0-alpha2-SNAPSHOT]$ ./bin/hdfs
OPTIONS is none or any of:
–buildpaths attempt to add class files from build tree
–config dir Hadoop config directory
–daemon (start|status|stop) operate on a daemon
–debug turn on shell script debug mode
–help usage information
–hostnames list[,of,host,names] hosts to use in worker mode
–hosts filename list of hosts to use in worker mode
–loglevel level set the log4j level for this command
–workers turn on worker mode
SUBCOMMAND is one of:
balancer run a cluster balancing utility
cacheadmin configure the HDFS cache
classpath prints the class path needed to get the hadoop jar and the required libraries
crypto configure HDFS encryption zones
datanode run a DFS datanode
debug run a Debug Admin to execute HDFS debug commands
dfsadmin run a DFS admin client
dfs run a filesystem command on the file system
diskbalancer Distributes data evenly among disks on a given node
envvars display computed Hadoop environment variables
erasurecode run a HDFS ErasureCoding CLI
fetchdt fetch a delegation token from the NameNode
fsck run a DFS filesystem checking utility
getconf get config values from configuration
groups get the groups which users belong to
haadmin run a DFS HA admin client
jmxget get JMX exported values from NameNode or DataNode.
journalnode run the DFS journalnode
lsSnapshottableDir list all snapshottable dirs owned by the current user
mover run a utility to move block replicas across storage types
namenode run the DFS namenode
nfs3 run an NFS version 3 gateway
oev apply the offline edits viewer to an edits file
oiv apply the offline fsimage viewer to an fsimage
oiv_legacy apply the offline fsimage viewer to a legacy fsimage
oz command line interface for ozone
portmap run a portmap service
scm run the Storage Container Manager service
secondarynamenode run the DFS secondary namenode
snapshotDiff diff two snapshots of a directory or diff the current directory contents with a snapshot
storagepolicies list/get/set block storage policies
version print the version
zkfc run the ZK Failover Controller daemon
As you can see new fancy attributes like oz and scm are there.
[ozone@bigdata24 hadoop-3.0.0-alpha2-SNAPSHOT]$ bin/hdfs oz ERROR: oz is not COMMAND nor fully qualified CLASSNAME. [ozone@bigdata24 hadoop-3.0.0-alpha2-SNAPSHOT]$ bin/hdfs scm Error: Could not find or load main class No luck. I was out of ideas so wrote to hadoop users list. No answers. After it I tried hadoop developers list and got help:
Hi Margus, It looks like there might have been some error when merging trunk into HDFS-7240, which mistakenly changed some entries in hdfs script. Thanks for the catch! We will update the branch to fix it. In the meantime, as a quick fix, you can apply the attached patch file and re-compile, OR do the following manually: 1. open hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/bin/hdfs 2. between oiv_legacy) ;; and portmap) HADOOP_SUBCMD_SUPPORTDAEMONIZATION="true" HADOOP_CLASSNAME=org.apache.hadoop.portmap.Portmap ;; add oz) HADOOP_CLASSNAME=org.apache.hadoop.ozone.web.ozShell.Shell ;; 3. change this line CLASS='' to HADOOP_CLASSNAME='' 4. re-compile. rebuild it and it helped. Lets try to play whit a new toy. [ozone@bigdata24 hadoop-3.0.0-alpha2-SNAPSHOT]$ ./bin/hdfs oz -v -createVolume -user ozone -quota 10GB -root Volume name : margusja { "owner" : { "name" : "ozone" }, "quota" : { "unit" : "GB", "size" : 10 }, "volumeName" : "margusja", "createdOn" : "Fri, 03 Feb 2017 10:13:39 GMT", "createdBy" : "hdfs" } [ozone@bigdata24 hadoop-3.0.0-alpha2-SNAPSHOT]$ ./bin/hdfs oz -createBucket -user ozone -v Volume Name : margusja Bucket Name : demo { "volumeName" : "margusja", "bucketName" : "demo", "acls" : null, "versioning" : "DISABLED", "storageType" : "DISK" } [ozone@bigdata24 hadoop-3.0.0-alpha2-SNAPSHOT]$ ./bin/hdfs oz -v -putKey -file margusja.txt Volume Name : margusja Bucket Name : demo Key Name : key001 File Hash : 4273b3664fcf8bd89fd2b6d25cdf64ae [ozone@bigdata24 hadoop-3.0.0-alpha2-SNAPSHOT]$ ./bin/hdfs oz -v -putKey -file margusja2.txt Volume Name : margusja Bucket Name : demo Key Name : key002 [ozone@bigdata24 hadoop-3.0.0-alpha2-SNAPSHOT]$ ./bin/hdfs oz -v -listKey Volume Name : margusja bucket Name : demo { "version" : 0, "md5hash" : "4273b3664fcf8bd89fd2b6d25cdf64ae", "createdOn" : "Fri, 03 Feb 2017 12:25:43 +0200", "size" : 21, "keyName" : "key001" } { "version" : 0, "md5hash" : "4273b3664fcf8bd89fd2b6d25cdf64ae", "createdOn" : "Fri, 03 Feb 2017 12:26:14 +0200", "size" : 21, "keyName" : "key002" } [ozone@bigdata24 hadoop-3.0.0-alpha2-SNAPSHOT]$ To compare with filesystem we created directory /margusja after it created subdirectory margusja/demo and finally added two files to margusja/demo/. So the picture is smth like /margusja (volume) /margusja/demo (bucket) /margusja/demo/margusja.txt (key001) /margusja/demo/margusja2.txt (key002)